Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Tribute to the FIO and its brave pilots

Hello all, 

Most of you know about a plane accident that happened in Spain during an air show last weekend resulting in the dead of the pilot. For that reason I would like to give a small tribute to him.

Last Sunday, I attended with some friends  to an Air Show organized by the Fundación Infante de Orleans (FIO). The FIO is a non-military organization whose main aim is to preserve the Spanish aviation heritage. They maintain a very nice air museum with many classic Spanish planes. But the special thing is that they maintain most of the planes in flying condition and on the first Sunday of each month they organize an air show to display all this rare and classic planes. 

This time I was attending invited by a person who knows most of the things you can know about planes. It was a perfect sunny Sunday in Cuatro Vientos (an airfield located Southwest of Madrid), there were many people which it was a very good thing as aviation in Spain is a rare hobby.

Last time I was there, it was a cold and windy day so I missed the chance to watch two special planes:

The Polikarpov I-16:

And the first jet built in Spain, the Hispano Aviación HA-200 Saeta:

This time due to the wonderful weather we were enjoying, both aircraft could fly together in this amazing and unique formation together with the T-6 Texan:

Then each plane performed and individual fly showing its capabilities. And when they were done and waiting for landing and while we were waiting for Fernando Alonso (the Spanish champion in acrobatic flight), the worst happen when the Saeta's pilot lost control and crash landing close to where all people were watching the exhibition.

I knew neither his name nor were his friend, I trust me, I really would like to keep that way and be just the Saeta's pilot that day. But after the tragedy, we all know his name.

His name is Ladislao Tejedor Romero  and he was a Comandante in the Spanish Air Force who had pilot the F/18 in war theatres and was an instructor. His experience was extensive and he was 35 years old. He had been related to the FIO for a long time but last Sunday it was his last flight.

I just wanted to recall the incredible job that volunteers, pilots and aviation enthusiasts do across the world trying to transmits their passion for this world. And although this has been a hard blow to the FIO, I am sure it will grow stronger and it will get many supporters in next exhibition which it should be a tribute to this brave aviation enthusiasts who has given his free time and life trying to maintain our aviation heritage.

Descansa en Paz y vuela alto:


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